Play bartender 2
Play bartender 2

The Sims 3: Late Night This section is in need of additional information. List of pre-made bartenders See also: Category:Bartenders The Sims 2 Pleasantview If that happens, the game will generate a replacement. Both types of bartender can be asked to move in, or can be married. However, FreeTime changed telephones so that the base game bartenders will not appear in a Sim's phone directory.

play bartender 2

Sims can form relationships with both types of bartender. If Open for Business is installed, these bartenders will only appear if the bar is on an unowned community lot. University introduced a second type of bartender that appears when a bar is placed on a community lot. The base game includes bartenders as service NPCs that can be hired to tend a bar on a residential lot by using the Services menu on a telephone.

Play bartender 2